« Illegal Immigration: Keeps getting better and better--Biden Ignores, cannot remember or does not care. | Main | Taxed At Death: How Could the Deceased Owe more Taxes? Isn't Death Enough? »



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  • National Debt: Does not matter anymore
    The level of the national federal does not matter anymore or at least no until the consequences set in. Parts of the Virus relief justified more borrowing but parts had no rational. The latest Biden giveaway looks like it was drawn up in a basement and there will be more debt to come. Already more that $ 5 trillion. There does not seem to be a social, income transfer or made work scheme that will ever satisfy the now Democrats controlled government. Wonder where they will be when interest rates and inflation take hold?

  • Tax Reform? What is it and How it should be!

    I have developed a three-part series on what is wrong with the tax system and suggestions to fix it. Not your usual plan but one making choices to improve the system. Become tax czar with me for a day and suggest your changes with some unexpected ideas.

    If you would like to get a complete copy,send me an e-mail. Click here to subscribe

  • Jack O. NutterJack O. Nutter is a Washington DC attorney and a principal in the consulting firm Nutter & Harris, specializing in political and strategic advice with notable experience in tax, energy, environmental and climate issues.

    Mr. Nutter was previously Tax Counsel to the US Senate Finance Committee and has been involved in several US presidential campaigns.

    He has been in private law practice and worked in the former Soviet Union, Europe and Africa for 15 years on private investment and government projects.

    He holds a Master of Laws (taxation) from Georgetown University Law Center and a Doctor of Jurisprudence from the University of Arizona College of Law. He has been published in numerous tax journals and magazines.

    Reach Jack by e-mail here.